Experience & Trust
Further leap
forward & evolution
Thoughts in the
corporate logo
The blue sphere represents
the experience and trust that underpins our operations and the interlocking
yellow section represents the people at the heart of our commitment to continue
growing and evolving as an organization that creates “the ways we live.”
Contribute to happiness and
a sustainable society through the
creation of a variety of
ways we live worldwide
Enabling people worldwide to
enjoy even more energetic and
fulfilling lives will create happiness and
contribute to progress in many ways,
thereby helping to make the world better.
Our mission is to play a role in the creation of an
energetic and stimulating society where people can enjoy their lives.

The spirit of “the ways we live” is central to all of our businesses.
Everyone involved with our operations is firmly dedicated to creating a society
where people can lead energetic and fulfilling lives in a broad range of fields.
Human Resources and
Education Business
The ways we work
We want to help people of all kinds find jobs that best match their skills and goals in order to enable them to experience the joy and satisfaction of work. By providing training, we give people the skills to achieve their full potential, which supports the growth and advancement of businesses.
Information and
The ways we provide convenience and safety
We are dedicated to creating the use of today’s advanced information technology infrastructure for being a source of convenience and for establishing an environment where people can enjoy their lives with convenience and confidence.
Real Estate Business
The ways we create communities
Pleasant communities are essential for people to lead enjoyable and fulfilling lives. By designing these communities, we provide an environment for vibrant and satisfying lifestyles. Activities place priority on preserving the environment and natural resources in order to be a responsible member of society.
Agricultural Park
The ways we look to the future
Agricultural parks help protect the environment and conserve the earth’s resources while giving children a place where they can grow. By operating these parks, we are playing a role in sustainable social progress.
Stable performance due to a
diversified business portfolio
The diversity of our operations gives us a sound base that allows adapting to changes in the business climate with speed and accuracy. Our goal is to continue well-balanced growth centered on four business sectors: human resources and education, real estate, information and telecommunications, and agricultural parks.

52,570 people
Human resources and education is the core business of WORLD HOLDINGS and the group’s diversified activities also include real estate, information and telecommunications, and agricultural parks.

WORLD HOLDINGS has grown over the years by making decisions
that accurately reflect changes in society and the needs of consumers.
- Human Resources and
Education Business - Information and
Telecommunications Business - Real Estate
Business - Agricultural Park
① February 1993
Operations began by providing human resource services, which was a relatively unknown business sector at that time. The objective was to reinvigorate manufacturing in Japan by training people and creating jobs.
② February 2005
Started a telecommunications business based on the foresight prior to the emergence of smartphones that communication devices would soon become a vital part of our lives
③ December 2010
Full-scale entry into a real estate business to take advantage of opportunities created by the big decline in the number of real estate companies in Japan caused by the global financial crisis
④ December 2017
Started an agricultural park business to provide places for children to learn and for everyone to acquire a better understanding of the natural environment
February 1993
Started a human resources and education business
February 2005
Listed on the JASDAQ Securities Exchange
December 2005
Started an information and telecommunications business

April 2010
Started a real estate business

July 2014
Changed the company name to WORLD HOLDINGS CO., LTD. and shifted to a holding company structure
March 2016
Listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
June 2016
Moved to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
February 2017
Started an agricultural park business

April 2022
Listing moved to the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
WORLD HOLDINGS operates in four business sectors: human resources and education, real estate, information and telecommunications, and agricultural parks. This section provides a brief overview of each one.

Human Resources and
Education BusinessSubcontracting and temporary staffing services for the
manufacturing and services domains
The ways we work
The Human Resources and Education Business is World Holdings’ core business and it has two business segments. The Products Human Resources Business supports the manufacturing industry by covering a wide range of areas including production processes, R&D, designs, and other activities. The Services Human Resources Business covers the services industry such as logistics, sales directly to customers, tourism and other services. Through these two business segments, we are helping to solve a wide variety of issues faced by our customers and creating the ways of life for many people.
Manufacturing domain
Products Human Resources

services domain
Services Human Resources

Real Estate BusinessDevelopment, real estate revitalization, and other businesses
The ways we create communities
Pleasant communities are essential for people to lead enjoyable and fulfilling lives. By designing these communities, we provide an environment for vibrant and satisfying lifestyles. Our activities also place priority on communities that protect the environment and natural resources to contribute to society. In addition to the development of condominiums, activities of our diverse real estate operations include renovations to meet the needs of the next generation of residents, the revitalization of houses and many other services.

Information and Telecommunications Business Mobile Phone Stores
The ways we provide convenience and safety
Our mobile phone store business contributes to society by playing a role in the creation of an environment in which people can use IT services with confidence and ease. There are 34 Softbank, au and Y!mobile stores located mainly in northern Kyushu. By maintaining close ties with the areas where they operate, these stores accurately provide the products and services people need in a manner that is easy to understand.

Agricultural Park BusinessOperation of nature-rich agricultural parks and
similar facilities at 15 locations around Japan
The ways we look to the future
Agricultural park operations encompass four directly managed parks and 11 other parks operated under a designated management or other outsourcing format. All parks are centered on the theme of harmony for nature, people and society. As a link between cities and agricultural areas, these parks enable people of all ages to learn about and experience food, animals and other aspects of farming. In addition, the parks are a place where people can relax and enjoy nature.

We are dedicated to using
these businesses for creating the
ways we live for the
happiness of people worldwide and
helping build a base for a sustainable society.