Our Philosophy, Mission

Contribute to happiness and a sustainable society
through the creation of a variety of ways we live worldwide
Corporate Philosophy
- Striving to become the company that strengthens bonds between people.
- Using outstanding human resources with a moral understanding of human resource development and business education.
- Protecting the natural environment, takeing care of the earth’ss natural resources, and always contributing to society.
- Utilize the human resources of our seniors experiences, and be a company that establishes new ways of hiring.
- Delivering value as a results-oriented company that can concretely display the results of our employee’s hard work.
Human Rights Policies
The purpose of the World Holdings Group is to “contribute to happiness and a sustainable society through the creation of a variety of ways we live worldwide.”
All business activities are based on the premise of respect of human rights of everyone associated with the group. We understand that it is vital to take actions to help achieve a sustainable society.
We have established the following World Holdings Group Human Rights Policies and do everything possible as a company to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights.
- Basic views on human rights
All executives and employees at World Holdings and its group companies support and respect interna tional guidelines concerning human rights such as the International Bill of Human Rights,the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights of the United Na tions. - Scope
This policy applies to all executives and employees at the World Holdings Group.
Furthermore, we ask all of our business partners involved with our services and products to follow this policy. - Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
We comply with laws and regulations applicable in countries and regions where we conduct business operations and respect internationally recognized human rights. - Responsibility to respect human rights
We respect the human rights of people who are affected by our business operations and promise to not violate these rights.
We will not allow any discrimination or harassment involving gender, age, nationality, race, ideology, beliefs, religion, disabilities, gender identity, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics.
We prohibit forced labor, human trafficking and child labor and guarantee freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. We provide our employees with safe and healthy workplace environments. - Human rights due diligence
We have established a framework for performing human rights due diligence in order to identify any negative effects of our business operations on human rights as well as to prevent or reduce any negative effects. We assess the effectiveness of this framework in order to make constant improvements. - Education and training
To ensure that we conduct business operations properly in line with this policy, we make everyone aware of this policy and provide appropriate education and training programs concerning respects for human rights. - Assistance and corrective measures
If we discover that our business operations had a negative effect on human rights or that a business partner or other party associated with our business operations had a negative effect on human rights, we use dialogues and appropriate procedures based on international standards for assistance and take other corrective measures. - Chief human rights officer
MWe appoint an executive as chief human rights officer to clearly designate the individual responsible for the supervision of activities based on this policy. - Information disclosure
We disclose information about our activities to respect human rights and progress and results involving these activities on the World Holdings website and through other channels.
This policy has been approved by the World Holdings Board of Directors and signed by the Chairman and President.
July 20, 2023
Chairman and President
Eikichi Iida
The Basic Policy for Sustainability
The World Holdings Group is dedicated to contributing to society in many ways by using activities based on the group’s purpose of “contributing to happiness and a sustainable society through the creation of a variety of ways we live worldwide.”
We will continue to use our business operations, backed by a sound governance structure, to help solve social problems and create value that can be shared with the public. We pledge to work with
our stakeholders to play a role in achieving a sustainable society. To provide guidelines for measures to accomplish these goals, we have established the following World Holdings Group Basic Policy for Sustainability.
- Provision of services and products that help solve social issues
The World Holdings Group provides a variety of distinctive services and products that contribute to society. We constantly create employment opportunities for people of all types, revitalize residential and other real estate with environmental responsibility, make lives more fulfilling by increasing use of the IT infrastructure, and operate agricultural parks that enable people to coexist responsibly with nature. - Human rights
The World Holdings Group properly understands international guidelines concerning human rights,respects the human rights of everyone affected by our supply chain, and promises to not violate these rights. - Education
We constantly provide education and other self-improvement programs for our employees in order to upgrade their knowledge necessary to help achieve a sustainable society, including human rights, diversity, compliance with laws, and to everyone to achieve his or her full potential. The purposes of these activities are to enable everyone to enjoy stimulating and rewarding jobs and play a role in economic growth. - Diversity management
Respect for the individuality of everyone and support for career advancement and the development of skills are important for the creation of a variety of ways we live. Furthermore, we provide safe and pleasant workplaces and enable employees to maintain the proper work-life balance by offering many working styles. We are committed to helping create a society where everyone has a sense of wellbeing. - Contributions to communities
We are always seeking ways to strengthen relationships with stakeholders while recognizing the importance of local customs and cultures. We are dedicated to using numerous activities for playing a role in solving social problems. - Activities for environmental issues
We use all of our business operations for activities that combat climate change, preserve biodiversity,and protect and improve the environment in many other ways. We are determined to play a role in the achievement of a sustainable global environment. - Fair business practices
We always conduct business operations properly, guided by high ethical standards and with a commitment to fair and unrestricted competition. - Rigorous compliance
Compliance is an integral part of all of our business operations. All of our activities are ethical and responsible. - Sound governance
The management of the World Holdings Group positions activities concerning sustainability issues as one of the group’s highest priorities. We use a suitable and effective governance framework for programs that reinforce the awareness of everyone at our group of the importance of sustainability. - Crisis management and business continuity
We have a comprehensive and organizational risk management framework encompassing pandemics, natural disasters, cyberattacks and many other risks. This framework also supports sound business continuity planning. - Appropriate information disclosure and sufficient dialogues
We disclose corporate information that is useful for stakeholders in a timely and fair manner.
We respect the rights and standpoints of our stakeholders and use suitable and sufficient discussions for working together with the goal of the growth of corporate value.
Established on July 20, 2023
Standards of Business Conduct
WORLD HOLDINGS is well aware of the gravity and challenge of making our vision a reality. Together with our staff and employees, we strive daily to adhere to our code, the Standards of Business Conduct. Established to clarify what must be done to become a trusted company, our Standards are as follows.
- Our Company’s Social Mission
At WORLD HOLDINGS, we value the bond that connects us all. In creating a good life for all of us, we are giving back to the society at large. - Honoring the Law and our Company’s Rules
We will comply with domestic and overseas laws and regulations as well as with rules and internal regulations. Furthermore, we will maintain a sound relationship with governmental actors and administrations, and carry out appropriate and sound management. In overseas business activities, we will comply with international rules and local laws, and manage business in a manner respectful of and contributing to local culture and customs. - Awareness and Responsibilities of Those in our Enterprise
As members of the WORLD HOLDINGS corporate group, we act with awareness and responsibility to acquire trust from society. - Our Contribution to Society
While protecting the natural environment, we will conduct business that values the earth’s natural resources. As good corporate citizens, we strive to make a positive impact, and to make sure our actions give back to society. - Proactive Information Disclosure
We will transparently, actively and fairly disclose corporate information, in order to become a company trusted by shareholders as well as society. In accordance with best-practice accounting standards, we process transactions and asset reports accurately and properly, and ensure the appropriateness, transparency and soundness of corporate accounting. - Elimination of antisocial behavior
We do not involve ourselves in antisocial forces or organizations that threaten the order and safety of civil society. - Workplace Environment Maintenance
Our basic mission is to contribute through business to the people and cultures of the world. In different environments throughout our lives, there are a multitude of ways to perceive value and goals, which we try to implement through our work. Not only do we have to figure out how to live good lives, but we must also prepare to pass on our culture to future generations. Achieving our highest potential is a meaningful goal, irrespective of age, gender, or place. Although there are many paths to achieving goals, we are aiming to steadily expand and grow as we move forward, finding ever more ways to contribute to society. - The duties and responsibilities of Business Management
Management executives recognize that the maintenance of this management standard is their role. They must strive to establish corporate ethics by thoroughly communicating with employees in-house, and by taking the lead to set an example for their fellow workers. Whenever problems occur, the executives must communicate their commitment to resolution, disclose information promptly and accurately, strive to investigate the cause and to prevent repetition, and insure that appropriate punishments will take place if necessary.
Additional Rules
- Statement of Scope
This Code of Conduct is applicable to “WORLD HOLDINGS” is a subsidiary of WORLD HOLDINGS CO., LTD., a subsidiary of WORLD HOLDINGS, as defined in the Companies Act and the Enforcement Regulations of the Companies Act, which holds significant influence among our affiliates as stipulated in the Companies Act and the Enforcement Regulations of the Companies Act. We are in a position to exercise our oversight power power judiciously and fairly, and our actions represent WORLD HOLDINGS CO., LTD. - Establishment
The WORLD HOLDINGS Corporate Code of Conduct is established by the Board of Directors of WORLD HOLDINGS CO., LTD. Related decisions of subsidiaries and affiliates will come into effect only after the votes from the Board of Directors. Subsidiaries and affiliates can partially change the contents of this Code of Conduct in accordance with the laws, business forms, regulations, customs etc in each country / region, under the preliminary approval of WORLD HOLDINGS CO., LTD. However, in whatever the case, they can not change the contents contrary to the spirit of the WORLD HOLDINGS Corporate Code of Conduct as established by WORLD HOLDINGS CO., LTD. In addition, this Code of Conduct can be revised through the same procedures as the enactment, if necessary due to changes in social conditions, etc.